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This page log steps to install RUBiS.

1. Need to change the user name to connect MySQL in /RUBiS/PHP/PHPprinter.php.

2. Need to chang register_long_arrays=On in /etc/php5/apache2/ Otherwise, it will report your input is not given. (In the /RUBiS/PHP/RegisterUser.php page, it will ask you for the first name even if you give it.)

3. 'make initDB PARAM=all' always fails. Use the dump file from RUBiS download section and restore the database instead. In the implementation, it will query the database as following.

FROM items,users WHERE items.category=$categoryId AND AND users.region=$regionId
 AND end_date>=NOW() LIMIT ".$page*$nbOfItems.",$nbOfItems"

But for us, if we restore the database, the end_date will always earlier than NOW(). So, for testing, we need to update the end_date manually.

4. RUBiS PHP version1.4.1 has some bugs. See my patch for more detail. :)

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