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This page describes what steps to follow, in order to migrate an OpenVZ container in Emulab.

Source machine(pc341,e.g.):

a). Copy new vnodesetup, and

        sudo cp ~/emulab/new/* /usr/local/etc/emulab/

b). Kill and restart the container(pcvm341-1,e.g.)

        sudo /usr/local/etc/emulab/vnodesetup -jk pcvm341-1
        sudo /usr/local/etc/emulab/vnodesetup -bjVtd pcvm341-1

c). Login pcvm341-1 and run nfs writes test program

        sudo vzctl enter 5
        cd /users/utos/test/nfs_w/
        make clean;make
        ./run &

d). Check the files are in different sizes(optional)

        cd /mnt/pcvm341-1/private/tmp/
        ls -l
        cd ~

e). Checkpoint the container

        ps -ef | grep vnodesetup
        sudo kill -sigusr1 PID

Boss database changes

a). Update nodes table

  1. Show old mapping

         select node_id,phys_nodeid from nodes where type='pcvm';
  1. Change v2p mapping

         update nodes set phys_nodeid='pc358' where node_id='pcvm341-1';
  1. Show new mapping

         select node_id,phys_nodeid from nodes where type='pcvm';

b). Update vinterfaces table

  1. Show old mapping

         select node_id,vnode_id,unit,iface from vinterfaces order by vnode_id;
  1. Change unit and node_id for pcvm341-1. (Also check whether pcvm341-1 use the same iface as pcvm358-1. If not, change it to the same iface as pcvm358-1.)

         update vinterfaces set unit=5 where vnode_id='pcvm341-1';
         update vinterfaces set node_id='pc358' where vnode_id='pcvm341-1';
  1. Show new mapping

         select node_id,vnode_id,unit,iface from vinterfaces order by vnode_id;

Destination machine

a). Copy new vnodesetup, and

        sudo cp ~/emulab/new/* /usr/local/etc/emulab/

b). Restore the container

        sudo /usr/local/etc/emulab/vnodesetup -bjVtdm pcvm341-1

For experimental network, check whether the other end for pcvm341-1 uses the same iface as pcvm358-1. If not, delete that veth from the old bridge and add it to the appropriate bridge.

a). Check ifaces by IP address

        select node_id,vnode_id,unit,iface,ip from vinterfaces order by vnode_id;
        | node_id | vnode_id  | unit | iface | ip       |
        | pc334   | pcvm334-1 |    1 | eth4  | | 
        | pc334   | pcvm334-1 |    5 | eth4  | | 
        | pc358   | pcvm341-1 |    5 | eth4  | | 
        | pc358   | pcvm358-1 |    1 | eth4  | | 

b). If pcvm334-1 uses two different eths, then adjust the bridge for pcvm341-1.

        brctl delif pbreth_o veth
        brctl addif pbreth_n veth