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This page mainly introduces how to create an OpenVZ image based on Fedore8-64 image and a way to add nfs support during migration.

1. Create an experiment, using a pc3000 and use FEDORA8-64-OVZ-STD as the base image.

2. The default disk is not large enough to support Linux compilation, so you need to run /usr/testbed/bin/mkextrafs to get more disk space.

sudo /usr/testbed/bin/mkextrafs /usr/src/redhat

3. Install the OpenVZ source RPM(You can find this at /proj/checkpoint/openvz/SRPMS. Or you can simply install the RPM at /proj/checkpoint/openvz/RPMS directly).

 sudo rpm -ihv kernel-2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.7.emulab.1.src.rpm

Or you can install this new SRPM with the following nfs change and release already made in the patch.

 sudo rpm -ihv kernel-2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.7.emulab.openvz.migration.src.rpm

4. Create BUILD and RPMS directories at /usr/src/redhat/.

5. Change the specification file as you want. For example, I change the buildid to be

%define elabrelease .emulab.migration

6. Change OpenVZ patch to support nfs during migration. The patch named patch-028stab064-core in SOURCE directory is the core patch for OpenVZ. Add one line in check_one_vfsmount()

        strcmp(mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name, "sysfs") != 0 && \
+        strcmp(mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name, "nfs") != 0 && \
        strcmp(mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name, "binfmt_misc") != 0)

7. Change the default value of strict in from true to false at /usr/lib/rpm/.


8. Build kernel binary RPM

sudo rpmbuild -bb --with emulab --with baseonly --without debuginfo --target=x86_64 SPECS/kernel-ovz.spec

You will be able to find RPM at /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/.

9. Install the new kernel

sudo rpm -i --oldpackage kernel-2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.7.emulab.migration.x86_64.rpm

10. additional update in database in boss. (Contact if you do not have access to boss.)

  1. Add your image as a parent OS for other OSs in the table os_submap.
mysql> select osname from os_info where osid=10002;
| osname            |
| OVZ-F8-Migration2 | 
mysql> select * from os_submap where parent_osid = 10002;
| osid | parent_osid |
| 1995 |       10002 | 
| 1996 |       10002 | 
| 1997 |       10002 | 
| 1998 |       10002 | 
| 2016 |       10002 | 
| 2017 |       10002 | 
mysql> select osname from os_info where osid in (1995,1996,1997,1998);
| osname               |
| OVZ-GUEST-F10-64-STD | 
| OVZ-GUEST-F10-STD    | 
| OVZ-GUEST-F8-64-STD  | 
| OVZ-GUEST-F8-STD     | 
  1. Add additional OS features for your OS if you want it in the table os_info. Use OVZ-F8-Migration2 as an example.
mysql> update os_info set osfeatures='ping,ssh,ipod,isup,veths,veth-ne,mlinks,linktest,linkdelays,vlans,suboses' where osname='OVZ-F8-Migration2';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select osname,osfeatures from os_info where pid='checkpoint';
| osname            | osfeatures                                                                |
| OVZ-F8-Migration  | ping,ssh,ipod,isup,veths,veth-ne,mlinks,linktest,linkdelays,vlans,suboses | 
| OVZ-F8-Migration2 | ping,ssh,ipod,isup,veths,veth-ne,mlinks,linktest,linkdelays,vlans,suboses | 


1. .config for the current running system is at /proc/config.gz. When compiling Linux kernel, make menuconfig and load that config file.[in Ubuntu10.10 with kernel 3.6.35-22, it is at /boot/config-*]

2. release is stored at /include/config/kernel.release

3. Never put your new guest image at /proj/utahstud/images. It is mounted by nfs which will cause stat() to be failed. Put your new guest image at /usr/testbed/images/.

4. Set the partition to be 1 for the guest image(not 2 even if the host is Linux) and select whole disk.

5. You also need to set the def_parentosid in os_info. Otherwise, the child image created by you will not be found in the children image list for the host image.

The complete property for a guest image is as following.

mysql> select * from images where imageid =10000;
| imagename         | pid_idx | gid_idx | pid        | gid        | imageid | uuid                                 | old_imageid | creator | creator_idx | created             | description                                | loadpart | loadlength | part1_osid | part2_osid | part3_osid | part4_osid | default_osid | path                                      | magic | ezid | shared | global | mbr_version | updated | access_key | auth_uuid | auth_key | decryption_key |
| OVZ-GUEST-F8-STD2 |   10926 |   10926 | checkpoint | checkpoint |   10000 | 08e695fb-08a7-11e0-b8cd-0024e87919e0 |             | utos    |       32874 | 2010-12-15 16:57:12 | Gold image for OpenVZ guest in block level |        0 |          4 |      10000 |       NULL |       NULL |       NULL |        10000 | /usr/testbed/images/OVZ-GUEST-F8-STD2.ndz | NULL  |    1 |      0 |      1 | 1           | NULL    | NULL       | NULL      | NULL     | NULL           | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from os_info where osid =10000;
| osname            | pid        | pid_idx | osid  | uuid                                 | old_osid | creator | creator_idx | created             | description                 | OS     | version | path | magic | machinetype | osfeatures                             | ezid | shared | mustclean | op_mode | nextosid | def_parentosid | old_nextosid | max_concurrent | mfs | reboot_waittime | protogeni_export |
| OVZ-GUEST-F8-STD2 | checkpoint |   10926 | 10000 | 08e6218e-08a7-11e0-b8cd-0024e87919e0 |          | utos    |       32874 | 2010-12-15 16:57:12 | Gold image for OpenVZ guest | Fedora | 8       | NULL |       |             | ping,ssh,ipod,isup,linktest,linkdelays |    1 |      1 |         0 | PCVM    |     NULL |           1761 |              |           NULL |   0 |             120 |                0 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)