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Grant permission to use an Image

Grant permission to use an Image

The testbed admin script grantimage is used to grant permission to use an image by a user or group outside the project in which the image was created. Optionally, an image can also be exported to ProtoGeni users.

By default, an image created by a user is available only to other users in the same project. The only exception to this is when a testbed administrator creates a global image that can be used by all users in all projects.

Command Overview

Usage: grantimage [-r] [-w] [-x] [-g <gid> | -u <uid> | -a] <imageid>
       grantimage -l <imageid>
        -h   This message
        -l   List permissions
        -w   Grant write permission; defaults to read only
        -r   Revoke access instead of grant
        -u   Grant access to a specific user
        -g   Grant access to a specific group (project)
        -a   Grant global read-only access
        -x   Also grant access to protogeni users

Grant to a user

To grant permission to use an image to specific user:

boss> wap grantimage -u stoller testbed,myimage

Add the -w option if you would like to grant write permission, which would allow the user to modify the image.

Grant to a project

To grant permission to use an image to all users in a project:

boss> wap grantimage -g someproj,somegroup testbed,myimage

Typically, someproj=somegroup which grants access to all users that are members of the project. You may also grant access to members of a subgroup in the project.

Add the -w option if you would like to grant write permission, which would allow the users to modify the image.

Grant to all users/projects

To grant permission to use an image to all users:

boss> wap grantimage -a testbed,myimage

Note that you cannot grant write access when using the global option.

Add the -x option if you would like to also grant permissions to ProtoGeni users.

Revoke access

To revoke access to an image, use the -r option:

boss> wap grantimage -r -u stoller testbed,myimage
boss> wap grantimage -r -g someproj,somegroup testbed,myimage
boss> wap grantimage -r -a testbed,myimage

When you revoke access, you also revoke ProtoGeni access.

List all grants

To list all grants for an image:

boss> wap grantimage -l